Laptop showing an example dashboard

Dashboard for Bloggers and Writers

Make your blogs look good

Dashboard for anyone who wants to review their text for blogs or articles like:

  • bloggers
  • writers

Dashboard for Tasters and Connoisseurs

Get insights fast

Dashboard for anyone who is interested in analyzing alcoholic drinks from review sites and blogs, like:

  • liquor sellers
  • tasters
  • connoisseur

Dashboard for Social Media Intelligence

Discover social media talks

Dashboard for anyone who wants to analyze a subject on Social Media, like:

  • connoisseurs
  • craft distillers
  • craft brewers
  • liquor shops
  • restaurants
  • small business owners

Dashboard for Hashtag Analysis

Monitor your brand

Dashboard for anyone who wants to find out what is happening in their branch on Social Media, like:

  • marketeers
  • small business owners

powerful inside

find out in practice

Text Analytics

Give your own text and extract useful analytics with it, like keywords, AI-generated summary, and reading time.

Word clouds

There are many word cloud presets available for your own text and use your own logo for your text. In addition, from every scrape of websites and posts, there is a nice word cloud available.

Food Intelligence

Upload a photo from food and let the Artificial Intelligence software tell what it is and perform a search on Wikipedia.

Data-driven Flavor Map

Get a great representation with different flavor profiles and a data-driven flavor map. Make a flavor map based on your own review.

AI Summary

Let the Artificial Intelligence software generate a summary from all the posts and reviews for you. It calculates the important text and gives keywords from reviews and posts.

Sentiment Analysis

How does the crowd feel about a specific food or drink? Have they positive or negative feelings? Let the Artificial Intelligence tell it to you.

Tasting Notes Analysis

Which notes do people find? Choose from different flavor profiles and find out what flavors are mentioned frequently and how the AI extracted flavor map looks like.

Emoji Analysis

Find what emojis people use on social media and find their emotions based on emojis.

Hashtag Analysis

Do you know which hashtag you have to use for exposure? Discover which related hashtags are popular on social media.

Named Entity Analysis

Curious about which brands or locations people are talking about on social media? Do you want to know which events or products people are talking about? Discover that and more with our Named Entity module.

Investigate words

Looking if particular words are used on social media posts? Like a flavor of a brand name? With the investigate words module you can look at how often your words occur in the text. It also looks for similar words so it takes misspellings into account.

Search in Recent or Top posts

Recent posts and top posts say different things on social media. Therefore there is an option to choose between recent and top posts to make your analysis.